My Wife, the Witch
Wolver’s nomadic spectacle narrates stories of a parallel world with problems much different from our own, where magic and prophecies intertwine with the complexities of human nature. With majestic Queen-like vocal harmonies and the most varied flavors of theatrical rock, “My Wife, the Witch” recounts the unfair condemnation of a good-doer and his wife by a barbaric mob.
The story opens with a riff that evokes an earworm quality worthy of classic stadium rock acts, with an epicness that escalates in line with the mob’s progressive madness and collective sadism. Wolver ponders on humanity’s ability to normalize cruelty, depicting a terrifying type of peer pressure that feels lamentably timeless in spite of its Victorian setting.
However tragic “My Wife, the Witch” might sound, it leaves the audience with a hint of hope: The world is sinking under the tears of the unfortunate, but the band seems to know a way out.
The song is a sneak-peek into Wolver’s literary universe, which unfolds through several episodes gathered in an upcoming album entitled “Act I: It Starts With a Bow”. The transmedial saga is conveyed through a serial narration in social media (to be collected in a book), elaborate animated videos, and explosive live performances.
Wolver is composed of a peculiar trio: The Protagonist (lead vocals and guitar), The Brawler (drums), and The Charmer (guitar). An enigmatic gentleman with a particular fascination for sound alchemy, The Protagonist summons the horsepower of two performers by splitting his guitar signal into both bass and guitar amps.
The first act of Wolver’s rock opera was recorded at Leon Music Studios, where the sound of Swedish acts like Sparzanza and Mustasch has taken form. There’s already a second chapter in the making, but for now, we’ll have the pleasure to introduce you to Wolver’s unique showmanship through the release of “My Wife, the Witch”. Their first single with Rexius Records will be available on March 13th.